Yass! I've been wanting to write about Josh Hotel before I even went there. To be honest, Josh Hotel might be the most expensive hotel I stayed in when I travel aboard. I mean, I rarely had a vacation that took less than three nights so might as well staying in a budget room because I probably gonna be busy to explore the city anyway. But this hotel has been appearing in my Instagram's explore tabs for awhile and I got curious, hence the decision to give it a try.
Bangkok Trip (part 1) Plus Tips & Trick Tiket Pesawat dan Transportasi Lainnya
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Ini bukan kali pertama aku berkunjung ke Bangkok. Namun sesungguhnya kunjungan pertamaku ke Bangkok tahun 2018 lalu kurang persiapan dan kurang berkesan sampai aku ngga tahu mau share apa. If I can be completely honest with you, my first time to Bangkok was... unpleasant. Makanya kali ini aku memutuskan berlibur lagi ke Bangkok untuk memenuhi rasa penasaranku akan Bangkok yang belum sepenuhnya terpuaskan tahun lalu.
Loc: Wat Arun |
Tips and Tricks,
Place to Go (Surabaya): Lucid Dream Art Exhibition
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Staycation: Kapal Garden Hotel Malang
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Kalau dipikir-pikir, sudah lama juga ya aku ngga staycation yang beneran berasa staycation gitu. Maksudnya yang bener-bener berasa enjoy dan bener-bener menikmati hotel dan segala pelayanannya. Kali ini, aku akan kasih kalian rekomendasi hotel murah dan unik yang (lagi-lagi) berlokasi di Malang, Batu. Tolong jangan bosan-bosan ya. Habisnya Malang ini yang paling dekat dengan Surabaya dan banyak tempat menarik untuk dikunjungi.
Baiklah, hotel yang kukunjungi ini namanya Kapal Garden Hotel. Berlokasi di Jl. Raya Sengkaling Malang dan masih satu area dengan Taman Rekreasi Sengkaling UMM. Sesuai namanya, Kapal Garden Hotel ini sangat unik karena bentuk bangunannya yang mirip kapal. Jadi berasa Cruise Holiday dengan kearifa lokal hehe. Hotel ini masih tergolong baru lho. Karena sebelumnya, bangunan hotel ini merupakan museum Kapal Misteri (salah satu wahana di Taman Rekreasi Sengkaling) yang kemudian dirombak ulang dan driesmikan menjadi hotel sekitar pertengahan tahun 2018. Kalau kalian tinggal di Jawa Timur dan cukup sering berkunjung ke Malang untuk rekreasi keluarga, pasti tahu deh sama tempat ini dulunya.
Singapore Tips & Travel Guide (Part 2): Universal Studio Singapore
Monday, April 15, 2019
It's kinda hard to imagine there's someone who book a vacation to Singapore and don't put Universal Studio Singapore on their list. I mean, it's like a mandatory place to go to when you visit Singapore right? A lot of travel group usually offer Universal Studio Singapore as one of their tour package program. But if you're poor af like me and don't want to waste money by renting a tour, worry not, I got you covered. Here's a short article that I hope will help you understand how easy it is to go to Universal Studio Singapore by public transportation, what to expect when you get there, etc. I hope it's helpful to you, but if it still doesn't clear the air, feel free to message me a question.
Fake It Till You Make It
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Monki dress, H&M skirt, Uniqlo innerwear |
You are as good as what you think you are. All this time, I believe in the power of mindset. I believe the saying that when you always think positive, you'll also attract positive things. My best friend told me this few years ago and I believe her. She's one of few people who understands how bad my mental issues are. And her encouragement to think positively and be happy is never actually end. Fake it till you make it! is what she always telling me to do. Be happy, act happy, until you actually feel happy. So I did. God knows I so did for these past few years.
Staycation: Villa Victoria Boutique Malang
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Selamat pagi, Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai semuanya. Aku sudah kembali nulis review hotel meskipun tidak ada dari kalian yang bertanya. Haha ngga papa sesukaku lah. Kali ini aku berkesempatan menulis tentang staycation singkatku di sebuah hotel yang lagi-lagi di Malang. Mohon maaf nih, Malang adalah destinasi wisata favorit yang cukup dekat kan ya dari Surabaya (kalo ngga macet bisa cuma dua jam. Kalo macet ya wassalam) jadi lagi-lagi tempat penginapan di Malang.
Hi! It's Rizuna Here
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
I feel like I need to make a statement for people become confused with my blog lately. I don't actually remember the first time I love fashion. But I always knew that I love wearing colorful outfits. Even if we didn't know each other back then ten years ago, you would easily find me, wearing a yellow coat among my black or blue coated friends in high school. There was this one time that I picture myself working in a fashion industry someday in the future. That's the reason I started blogging.
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